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What to Expect in Your First Year of Selling Merchant Services

What to Expect in Your First Year of Selling Merchant Services

May 31st, 2019

We’re often are told by people at leading positions about how their creativity, character, and integrity helped them in becoming successful. However, most of the time this is not completely true. Yes, these skills count and play a part in becoming successful, but it’s mostly about surviving. If you’re selling merchant services, there are few things that will help you survive in the first year.

It all depends on how you are treating this field. If you treat it like a part-time task, the results will show. Whereas, if you treat it like your very first job, you will see some great results. In order to survive the first year, you should be spending 40+ hours at work. Try to spend as much time as possible out on the field.

The major goal for anyone starting a business is money and ease. Ease actually comes later. You need to keep this in mind that you cannot run your business solely based on hopes. You need to take action. Prepare a plan for your cash flows, a realistic one. After doing so, act on it.

In the beginning, acting desperate in front of your clients is pretty normal. You’ve just started with no cash flow and it’s normal to be worried about getting clients. However, never force a client to make a decision. Don’t seem too desperate. Think about what the client may think of you. How will it affect their decision? Act wisely.

Furthermore, if you wish to end all the stress that you go through every day, start long-term planning. If you get stuck in the short run issues you face, you won’t be able to move forward towards success. Go through business books and follow the interviews and videos of some leading business personalities to take inspiration.

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