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5 Ways The Poynt Platform Can Help Your Merchants Navigate COVID-19

October 16th, 2020

All merchants, no matter their size or industry, now face enormously challenging times. Companies across the globe are adapting to changes in government policy, transitioning from brick-and-mortar to online, navigating unpredictable consumer demand, and much more.

At Poynt, they are committed to helping our customers ride out this storm and roll with these changes that now seem to come almost daily. Here are some functions of the Poynt platform you can leverage to best serve your customers’ evolving needs.

E-Commerce Functionality

In cities around the world, businesses are being forced to downsize operations, limit operating hours, reduce their offerings to just delivery or take-out, or make the case that they are an “essential service” in order to stay open. If you find yourself in this situation, remember that the Poynt platform supports e-commerce functionality, which allows you to quickly move to an online strategy.

If you don’t have an online store, you can still accept payments over the phone with our Virtual Terminal. Even if your physical storefront has been shuttered, this feature allows business to continue.

Poynt Apps and the App Center

Recent government mandates have caused business to rethink everything from their hours of operation to their ability to operate in non-contact environments. If these mandates have dramatically changed your business practices, our Poynt Apps and App Center can help. Whether you need a better way to reach out to customers, a tool to invoice clients, or a fast and easy delivery app, we’ve got your back.

With the app center, you can process orders from anywhere and view reports and real-time statistics, whether or not your storefront is open. Any member of your team can have management access on their laptop or phone to keep an eye on day-to-day operations.

If you run a business that has been deemed an “essential service” and need to bring on more staff quickly to meet demand, Poynt apps allow you to get new hires up to speed right away. Soon, they’ll be able to monitor inventory, take orders, and have access to valuable customer details (such as loyalty membership).

Contactless Payments

We are all committed to minimizing or eliminating contact whenever possible to slow the spread of coronavirus. Fortunately, Poynt terminals are fully contactless-enabled, allowing customers to pay with e-wallets, QR codes, and contactless cards, minimizing physical transactions.

Poynt HQ

There are many reasons that you may not be able to physically be at your business, whether it’s homeschooling your kids, supporting an elderly relative, or dealing with illness in the family. Many of your employees are probably in similar circumstances, which means you’re operating with a reduced team. Whatever the reason, Poynt HQ lets you stay connected no matter how scattered your workers may be, equipping them with real-time stats and reports.

On the customer side, Poynt HQ will continue to provide a secure and efficient payment experience. It remembers your patrons’ purchase history, loyalty status, and whether they have any credits or rewards coming their way. In a world of uncertainty, your customers won’t have to worry about any glitches in their transactions.

Reliable 24/7 Service

At Poynt, their priority is to provide a reliable payment ecosystem that can help you weather this storm and come out stronger on the other side. Our staff continues to provide the same top-quality service while working remotely, ensuring that our system is up and running whenever you need it. Our free, 24/7 phone, email, or chat support will remain available to all Poynt merchants.

For more information on our FREE placement Program email steve@btrpay.com 

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