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5 Tips for calling new merchants

5 Tips for Cold Calling New Merchants

June 13th, 2019

Cold calling potential customers can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to it. You need to consider various factors before starting. When to cold call new merchants? So you wake up in the morning, all ready to fulfill your goals for the day. However, you see that the weather is about to worsen and you’ll have to work from home. Would you use this opportunity to get some sales? YES. Here are five tips for cold calling new merchants.

  1. The first thing is to consider your competition. Will they be working at this moment or enjoying the weather? If you use this time as an opportunity to call new merchants, this would be an added advantage to your business.
  2. When you start, you need to pay attention to the merchant. Remember, the call should not be about you, but them. Focus your questions as well as your attention to the merchant. When you’re addressing the needs of the clients, it’s called client-centered selling, which is considered to be professional selling.
  3. Next, before you make the call, you need to have all the questions prepared beforehand. However, improvise. Don’t follow a script. Try to develop questions that will be based on the client. Ask them what they need. Discover the issues that they face. Explain to them that your business can provide solutions to the problems they face.
  4. Give the client some time. Don’t expect to sell on your first call. Be patient and understand the needs and requirement of the client. Keep them relaxed.
  5. Follow-up. This is a crucial step. Follow up with your client in the coming week and who knows you might be able to sale on the spot. Also, you need to be relaxed and confident when you do so.

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